External Research Profile
Degrees Held
- Diploma in Theology (1973-1976). United Theological College of The West indies
- BA (Hons) Theology (1974-77). University of the West Indies
- MPhil Systematic Theology (1994-1995). Kings College, University of London
- PhD Systematic Theology (1997-2001). Kings College, University of London
- BA (Hons) (UWI)
- MPhil,
- PhD (Kings College-University of London)
Research Interests
- Ecumenical Theology
- Missiology,
- African Theologies in the Diaspora
- Religion and Culture
Academic Employment
Editorial Boards
Academic Employment
- 1984-1997, Education in Mission Secretary, Council For World Mission, London
- 1997-2001 Dean, Ministerial Formation, Institute of Theological and leadership Development, Kingston Jamaica
- 1997-2002 Senior Lecturer: Institute for Theological and Leadership Development
- 2005-2010 Senior Lecturer, University of the West Indies/United Theological College of the West Indies
- 2005-2010 Senior Lecturer: International University of the Caribbean, Kingston, Jamaica
- 2010-2011 Senior Lecturer, Acting Director, Practical Theology/Ministerial Studies School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa,
- 2010- Director, Congregational House of Formation, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
- 2012-2014 Academic Leader, (Theology and Ethics, School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa,
- 2013-2015 Programme Director, Systematic Theology, School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
- 2013-2014 Acting Director, Ethics Studies, School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics
- 2013-2017 Associate Professor, Systematic Theology (Missiology & Ecumenical Theology)
- 2014-2018 Academic Leader, Higher Degrees and Research, School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
- 2018 Full Professor, Systematic Theology (Missiology & Ecumenical Theology)
- 1975. Actor National Festival Theatre Company/University Drama Society Best Actor, Tallawah Productions, University of the West Indies
- 1975. President of The United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands Young People’s Association
- 2003. Outstanding Past Student: Knox College Part Student Association
- 2005. Community Services: Kiwanis Club of St Andrew
- 2007. Distinguished Graduate: United Theological College of the West Indies
Editorial Boards
- International Rep, Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, UKZN
- International Review of Mission, Geneva, Switzerland
Books Edited
Contributions to Books
Edited Texts
Whole Book
Papers in Published Conference Proceedings
Conferences Presentations
Published Newspaper Articles (Jamaica Gleaner)
- 1987. Action Reflection Resource Pack; A Manuel for Youth Involvement in Mission, CWM, London.
- 1993. You Me and Nehemiah in Mission, CWM London,
- 1995. Dialogue for Disciples, CWM, London.
- 1966. Transforming Leadership, CWM, London 1996
- 2012 Church and Culture: An Anglo-Caribbean Experience of Hybridity and Contradiction. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications
Books Edited
- 2012 Postcolonial Mission: Partnership and Power in World Christianity, Sopher Press, California
- 2016 Ecumenical Missiology (Changing Landscape and New Conceptions of Missions, Regnum Press, Oxford; Geneva: World Council of Churches, Edited by: Kenneth Ross, Jooseop Keum, Kyriaki Avtzi and Roderick R. Hewitt
Contributions to Books
- 1995 A Present Vocation in Mission and Service: The Challenge to United and Uniting Churches: Ecumenical Review of Mission, WCC Geneva
- 2014 Sun, Sand, Rum, Reggae: the Challenge of Tourism for Church and Society in the Caribbean in Deconstructing Tourism Who Benefits? A Theological Reading from the Global South, Programme for Theology and Cultures in Asia, Kolkata
- 2003 Christians Mission Studies in the Caribbean: Prospects and Challenges for the 21st Century; Institute for Leadership and Development, Kingston
- 2010 Building Communities of Hope, Council For World Mission, London
- 2011 Postcolonial Mission: Partnership and Power in World Christianity, Sopher Press, California
- 2012 An analysis of Steve de Gruchy’s Mission Praxis: Festschrift in honour of Steve de Gruchy, Cluster Publications
- 2013 Reformed Theological Education in 19th century Jamaica, in an Ecumenical Perspective,” in Handbook for Theological Education in Africa, editors, Isabel Phiri and Dietrich Werner (Regnum: Regnum Books International, 2013)
- 2013 Living on the Edge: Essays in Honour of Steve de Gruchy, Cluster Publications: South Africa
- 2013 Peace in the Market Place in Mathews George Chunakara. Building Peace on Earth, WCC Publications: Geneva
- 2013 Theological Education as an Instrument of Socialization and Church Growth of African-Jamaicans in the 19thCentury in Isabel Phiri and Dietrich Werner (Editors). Handbook of Theological Education in Africa, WCC: Cluster Publications, South Africa
- 2013 Together Towards Life (Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes-Practical Guide) WCC:Geneva
- 2014. Sun, Sand, Sea Reggae! The Challenge of Tourism for Church and Society in the Caribbean, Caesar D’Mello, Wati Longchar and Philip Mathew (Eds) Deconstructing Tourism: Who Benefits? A Theological Reading from the Global South, Serampore Centre on Pastoral Theology and Research SCEPTRE, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
- 2014. Black and Reformed: Conversations with Caribbean Theology in “Prophet From The South, Essays in Honour of Allan Aubrey Boesak”, Sun Press, Stellenbosch, South Africa
- 2016 The Caribbean Influences on African Christianity, in Anthology of African Christianity, WCC Publications
- 2016 Together Towards Life and the Context of the Global South in “Ecumenical Missiology 1910-2012”.WCC Publications, Regnum Press
- 2016 Justice in Ecumenical and Missiological Perspectives in “Ecumenical Missiology 1910-2012”.WCC Publications, Regnum Press (Chammah Kaunda and Roderick Hewitt)
- 2016 Stealing Land in the name of Religion: A Rastafari Religio-political critique of Land Theft by Global imperial Forces”, HTS Theological Studies, University of Pretoria
- 17. 2017 Hewitt, R. R., The Reformed Identity and Mission from the Margins, STJ | Stellenbosch Theological Journal (Vol3 #1) http://ojs.reformedjournals.co.za/index.php/stj/index (December 2017)
- Hewitt, R.R., 2018.Rastafari Counter-Liturgical response to Euro-centric Missionary Christianity in Jamaica, Cluster Publications: Dorpspruit
Edited Texts
- Lilian Siwila & Roderick Hewitt (eds) 2018. Liturgy and Identity (African Religio-Cultural and Ecumenical Perspectives), Cluster Publications Dorpspruit
- Hewitt, R.R., Kaunda J. C., (Eds) 2018. Who is an African? Engagement with Issues of Race, Afro-Ancestry, Identity and Destiny within the South African context, to be published by Fortress Press USA
Whole Book
- Hewitt, R.R., & Kaunda J. C., 2018 February. Missional Preaching in Context, Cluster Publications: Dorpspruit
- A Critique of the Church Forum’s Response to Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Women in Swaziland, Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa Vol. 20 No 2 Special Issue (Dec. 2014), Miriago James and Roderick Hewitt
- Pharos Journal of Theology, 2015. “Together towards Life”: Reconceptualising Missio-Formation in Changing Landscape of World Christianity, Chammah Kaunda and Roderick Hewitt
- 2015: “Toward Epistemic Decolonial Turn in Missio-Formation in African Christianity” Chammah Kaunda and Roderick Hewitt, WCC Publications: Geneva (Wiley-Blackwell)
- The Male-Goat That Stops Fighting: The Pyem Philosophy of Reconciliation and Conflict Resolution, Pharos Journal of Theology ISSN 2414-3324 online Volume 99-(2018) Copy right: ©2018 Open Access-Online@http//:www.pharosjot.com, Luxman Yusuf Jactu, Chammah Kaunda and Roderick Hewitt,
Papers in Published Conference Proceedings
- 1997. Building Missionary Congregations, United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
- 2005. The Shaping of a Missional Church for our Times, Next Step, CWM General Secretaries and Finance Officers
- 2006 The Missiological Implications of the Accra Confession, CWM: London
- 2007 Rejoice in Christ: Building Communities of Hope; Church of South India, Chennai, India
2016 A Missio-Political Critique of National Prayer Breakfasts in Jamaica CIHA Blog Conference, Pietermaritzburg
Conferences Presentations
- 2004 Mission and Ecumenism in the Household of Life: New challenges and their implications for International organizations, WARC, Geneva
- 2006 God in Your Grace, Transform the World, Church of South India Synod, Bangalore
- 2006 Rereading Acts 2 in the light of Caribbean Hermeneutics, Moderator’s Conference, United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.
- 2007 Matthew’s Great Commission: Significance and Relevance for the Church’s Mission Today. United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
- 2007 Tackling newer emerging vulnerabilities leading to Human Trafficking, Church of South India, Darjeeling, India
- 2007 Overcoming Fear with Faith, Zimbabwe Summit, South Africa, CWM
- 2007 Theological Reflections on the 200th Anniversary of the abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, UTCWI, Kingston, Jamaica
- 2008 Christian Spirituality, Jamaica Baptist Union Assembly, Kingston
- 2009 No Transformation without Reconciliation, National Prayer Breakfast, Kingston, Jamaica.
- 2009 Transformational Leadership, United Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa, Johannesburg
- 2010 Peace in the Market Place, WCC Peace Convocation, Kingston, Jamaica (May 17-26, 2010)
- 2011 Overcoming Structural Greed, WCC AGAPE Meeting, Hungary
- 2011 Ethical Investment in a Context of Recession, WCC AGAPE Meeting/ North America PWE meeting, Calgary, Canada, November 4-11
- 2012 Re-articulating Christian Mission and Evangelism, CWME Conference, Manila, Philippines
- 2013 Healing and Reconciliation and Integration, Zimbabwe, March 5-8
- 2013 Spirituality for Democracy, University of Pretoria, November 14
- 2014 For The healing of The Nations: Rastafari Theological Reflections on the decriminalization of Marijuana/Ganga, UKZN March 2014
- 2015 The Changing Landscape of Christianity and The Challenging Context of Secularism , University of Western Cape, July 5-7, 2015
- 2015 Conservative Christianity in Jamaica and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict, CWM’s Theological Colloquium entitled Mission in the Context of Empire: A Call for Global Theological Resistance for Palestine on 28 to 31 October 2015
- 2015 Stealing Land in the Name of Religion, Black Theology of Liberation: Twenty One Years Later Conference, on the 22- 23 October 2015, University of Pretoria
- 2017 Hewitt, R. R., The Reformed Identity and Mission from the Margins, Stellenbosch University
- The Ethical implications for Human identity and vocation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Missional response of the Church within the African Context. At the Humanity and Spirituality in face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Conference, Gyeongan Theological Graduate University, Korea November 19-25
Published Newspaper Articles (Jamaica Gleaner)
- 2001 Jamaica needs second emancipation to overcome violence
- 2004 Lack of National Consensus to fight Crime
- 2005 A Dennis the Menace Character Flaw
- 2006 Religious Fundamentalism and the Scourge of Violence in Jamaica
- 2007 Political leadership, Spirituality and Ethics
- 2007 Baptism by Wind, Water and Fire;
- 2007 Faking it at Christmas
- 2008 Jamaica Held to Ransom not by gunmen but by local militias
- 2008 The Murder of Common Sense
- 2009 Extreme Moral Makeover Needed
- 2009 Abusing Power, Running on empty
- 2010 Moral Lowlifes within Political Culture
- 2014 Christian Fundamentalism and the Israeli Palestinian conflict (Radio Jamaica Website: http://www.rjrnewsonline.com/opinion/christian-fundamentalism-and-the-israeli-palestinian-conflict
Research Support
- My major research work over the past two years was to complete the publication of my new Book “Church and Culture” which was completed in December 2012
- Between 2012/2013 I worked with an international group of scholar to develop a text for the WCC with a Practical Guide which was made launched in Geneva and over 3000 copies shared with delegates at the recent WCC Assembly in Korea (October 28-November 8)
- My current research is another Book on “Developing Missional Congregations” to be published end of 2016
Since my arrival in South Africa 2010, I have developed and taught Ecumenical Perspectives and Missiology and African Theologies in the Diaspora
I have ensured that Ecumenical perspectives on Wealth, Poverty an Ecology and brought to bear on some the courses
- Through my involvement with the WCC, I have ensured that our Post-graduate students are exposed to the latest developments in ecumenical and missiological debates
- I have introduced issues of African Theologies in the Diaspora into African Theology and Constructing Black Masculinities into Gender Studies.
- Participate in the development of Module/Programme Template for Religion and Governance
- Developing with Dr Kumalo MOU for SRPC and CWM to agree for attracting international 10 Postgraduate Students. Agreed for UKZN-SRPC to become Hub for African students linked to CWM
Post Graduate students
Internal & External
Graduated Students
Current Supervision Workload
Graduated Students
- 2012 Gladys Atem Graduated 2012 MTh Main
- 2012 Lesmore Ezekiel Graduated 2012 MTh Supervisor
- 2012 Corin Magielies Graduated 2013 BTh (Hons) co-supervisor
- 2013 Chammah Kaunda Graduated 2013 PhD Co-supervisor
- 2013 James Reynolds Graduated 2013 PhD Co-supervisor
- 2014 Innocent IYAKAREMYE, Graduated 2014 PhD Co-Supervisor
- 2014 TSVAKAI ZHOU, Graduated 2014 PhD Co-Supervisor
- 2014 James Miriago Graduate MTh -Supervisor
- 2014 Patrick Pillay Graduate MTh Supervisor
- 2015 Millicent Kuzwayo, MTh (Co Supervisor-Roderick Hewitt)
- 2015 Dominic Mulenga Mukuka, MTh Supervisor
- 2015 Thathu Mokonea, MTh Supervisor
- 2016 (Ainia Ndapewa), MTh Supervisor
- 2016 Lesmore Ezekiel PhD Supervisor
- 2016 Brian Konkol PhD (Prof R Hewitt & Gerald West- Co-supervisor:)
- 2016 Buhle Mpofu PhD (Federico Settler Co-supervisor),
- 2016 Benjamin Pokol PhD (Prof Kumalo- Co-supervisor-),
- 2016 George Kurie PhD (Prof R Hewitt Co-supervisor)
- 2018 Luxman Yusuf (Prof R Hewitt & C Kaunda Co-supervisor)
- 2018 Tioto Timon (Prof R Hewitt & C Kaunda Co-supervisor)
- 2018 Martin Mujinga (Prof R Hewitt & C Kaunda Co-supervisor)
- 2018 Masvotore Peter (Prof R Hewitt as co-Supervisor)
Current Supervision Workload
- 9 PhD Students; 2 Sole –Supervisor and 7 co-supervised
- 3 Masters
- 1978-1984 Member, Board of Management, Knox College, Jamaica
- 1997-2010 Member Board of Management, Knox Community College, Jamaica
- 1997-2007 Member, Board of Management, Mona Preparatory School
- 1997-2010 Chaplain, Mona Preparatory School
- 2000-2010 Co-Host, Issues in the News, Love FM Radio, Kingston: This is a weekly
- Radio Programme that critiques issues in the news from a theological perspective
- 2003-2007 Member Board of Governor, United Theological College of the West Indies
- 2005-2010 Chairman Member Board of Management, Knox Community College, Jamaica
- 2005-2010 Member, Board of Management, International University of the Caribbean
- 2006-2007 Member, Board of Management, University Hospital of the West Indies
- 2006-2010 Founding Director, Hope Counselling and Wellness Centre: The Child Resiliency Programme of the Hope Counseling and Wellness Centre is an outreach programme of the Hope United Church. It is a collaborative effort between the Church, schools, families and health services in order to build a broad enough network of protection for our young people. It seeks to meet the needs of pre-adolescents and build on their competencies as the most effective strategy for preventing multiple problems. It also aims to focus on promoting physical, social, cognitive, vocational and moral competence.(http://childresiliency.org/)
- 2012- Currently working with Prof. R Kumalo in the development the Religion and Governance programme. Over the past two years we have work with the Government Correctional Services to developed training programmes for persons working with
International Service
- 2005-2006 Co-Moderator, Mission in Unity Project, World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Geneva
- 2007-2012 Member, AGAPE Movement, World Council of Churches, Geneva
- 2003-2009 Moderator: Council for World Mission, London, United Kingdom
- 2012- CWME-WCC Reference Group
- 2013 Member, Board of Advisors of International Review of Mission- CWME/WCC
- 2015 Chair, Programme Reference Group. CWM
- 2016 Consultant, World Communion of Reformed Churches
- 2017 International Reformed Anglican Dialogue (IRAD)