External Research Profile
Degrees Held
- PhD
Research Interests
- African biblical hermeneutics
Research Interests
- African biblical hermeneutics
Journal Arcticles
Chapters in Books
- 2016. The Stolen Bible: From Instrument of Imperialism to African Icon, Leiden, E.J. Brill.
Journal Arcticles
- 2016. (With B.G. Haddad) Boaz as ‘Sugar Daddy’: Re-reading Ruth in the Context of HIV, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 155, 137-156.
- 2016. Towards an African Liberationist Queer Theological Pedagogy, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 155, 216-224.
- 2016. (With C. Van der Walt, C. and J.K. Kapya) When Faith Does Violence: Reimagining Engagement between Churches and LGBTI Groups on Homophobia in Africa, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 72(1), a3511. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v72i1.3511
- 2016. Accountable African Biblical Scholarship: Post-colonial and Tri-polar, Canon&Culture, 20, 35-67.
Chapters in Books
- 2016. The Bible in an African Christianity: South African Black Theology, in Bongmba, E.K. (ed) The Routledge Companion to Christianity in Africa, New York and London: Routledge, 141-155.
- 2016. Global Thefts of Biblical Narrative, in Fewell, D.N. (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Narrative, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 573-584.
- 2016. Recovering the Biblical Story of Tamar: Training for Transformation, Doing Development, in Odén, R. (ed) For Better, For Worse: The Role of Religion in Development Cooperation, Halmstad: Swedish Mission Council, 135-147.
- 2016. Reconfiguring a Biblical Story (Genesis 19) in the Context of South African Discussions about Homosexuality, in Chitando, E. and van Klinken A. (eds) Christianity and Controversies over Homosexuality in Contemporary Africa, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 184-198.
- 2016. The Role of the Bible in African Christianity, in Phiri, I.A. and Werner, D. (eds) Anthology of African Christianity, Oxford: Regnum Books International, 76-88.
- 2016. The Relevance of Body Theology for Development in African Christianity, in Phiri, I.A. and Werner, D. (eds) Anthology of African Christianity, Oxford: Regnum Books International, 1208-1218.
- 2016. Between Text and Trauma: Reading Job with People Living with HIV, in Boase, E. and Frechette, C.G. (eds) Bible through the Lens of Trauma, Atlanta: SBL Press, 209-230.
Community Engagement
- See Ujamaa Centre Annual Report 2016.
Teaching Expertise
- African biblical hermeneutics
- See CV.