External Research Profile
Research Interests
- Religion, Race, Migration, Postcolonialism,
- Research Methodology, Sociology of Religion
- RELG101 Introduction to Religion
- RELG203 Sociology of Religion (starting 2020)
- RELG306 Religion, Colonialism and postcolonialism
- RELG701 Research Methodology in Religion and Theology
- RSTR803 Religion and Migration (postgraduate seminar)
Book Chapters
Book Chapters
- Settler, FG. 2019. Reforming Space: Migrant Agency and Reimagining community and belonging. In Reforming Space, Body and Politics, edited by Auli Vähäkangas, Kirstine Helboe Johansen, Tone S. Kaufman and Sivert Angel. Zurich: Lit Verlag
- Settler, FG. 2018. A Postcolonial Perspective of Religion and Migration. In Borderland Religion edited by Bryan Turner and Trygve Wyller. Abingdon: Routledge Press.
- Settler, FG. 2017. Migrants as Victim or Villains: limitation for sociological and theological inquiry. In Faith and Migration, edited by Philippe Denis. Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications.
- Settler, FG. 2018. Race and Materiality in African Religious Contexts, Journal for the Study of Religion, Festschrift for David Chidester Volume 31. No.2. pp. 36-56
- Manda, D and FG Settler. 2018.Contestations of Self and Other in Researching Religion, Gender and Health among Migrant Women, Alternation. Special Edition 22. pp.119-141
- Settler, FG. and B. Mpofu. 2017. Social Responsibility with Respect to Religion and Migration in South Africa, Journal for the Study of Religion. Volume 30, Number 2. pp.12-31. (contribution 50%)
- Engh, MH., Agergaard, S. and Settler, FG. 2017. ‘The ball and the rhythm in her blood’: Racialised imaginaries and football migration from Nigeria to Scandinavia, Ethnicities, Vol 17, Issue 1, pp.1-19. (Contribution 40%)
- Taru, J. and Settler, FG. 2015. Patterns of Consumption and Materialism among Zimbabwean Christians: A tale of two indigenous churches, Journal for the Study of Religion, 28(3): 113-137. (Contribution 50%)
- Settler, FG. and Engh, MH. 2015. The Black Body in Colonial and Postcolonial Public Discourse in South Africa, Alternation, Special Edition 14: 126-148. (Contribution 70%)
- Phiri, L. and Settler, FG. 2015. ‘From Sexual Diversities to Convergences of Sexualities’: Possibilities within Southern African Protestantism, Diaconia: The Journal for Christian Social Practice, 6(2): 117-132. (Contribution 50%)
- John, S., Siwila, L. and Settler, FG. 2013. Men Can, Should and Must Change: An Analysis of Ezra Chitando’s Writings. Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, 19(2): 159-181. (Contribution 40%)
- Settler, FG. 2013. Legal and Civic Contestations in SA’s National Policy on Religion Education. Alternation, 10: 10-31.
- Settler, FG. 2012. Frantz Fanon’s Ambivalence Towards Religion. Journal for the Study of Religion, 25(2): 5-21.
- Settler, FG. 2010. Indigenous Authorities and the Postcolonial State. Social Dynamics, 36(1): 52-64.
- Chidester, D. and Settler, FG. 2010. Hopes and Fears: A South African Response to REDCo. Religion & Education, 37(3): 213-217. (Contribution 50%)
- Settler, FG. 2002. Citizenship, Religion and Human Rights in Postcolonial South Africa. HRC Quarterly Review, Special Edition, pp. 59-68.
- Settler, FG. 2002. Orientalism and Religion: The Question of Subject Agency. Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, 14, pp. 249-264.
Editorials, Reviews and Commentaries
- Settler, FG and MH Engh. 2018. Editorial: Religion and Migration in Africa the African Diaspora. Alternation. Special Edition 22. pp.1-10
- Settler, FG. 2013. Introducing Trends, Theories and Transdisciplinarity in Gender, Religion and Culture (editorial) Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, 19(2): 1-9.
- Settler, FG. 2013. Book Review “The Law and the Prophets: Black Consciousness in South Africa”. Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, Issue 147: 124-127.